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Sticky chicken recipes - 2 recipes

Chef Tips and Tricks

SOLVED: How to chop fresh herbs like a top chef

Are you looking to take your chopping skills to the next level? In this video we show you how to chop fresh herbs like a total pro! You won't believe how easy it is (and how cool you'll look!).

Top rated Sticky chicken recipes


Yummy sweet chicken legs

  • Katsup, mustard, dark brown sugar, onion powder, and fresh garlic.
4.3/5 (6 Votes)



  • 1 cup of sugar 4 tablespoon of brown sugar 2 jar's of honey 48 ounce then 1 jar of soy sauce 2 tablespoon of ket bring to a boil then cool
2.8/5 (22 Votes)

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sticky chicken Sticky Chicken Legs