Faked Potato


Cauliflower masquerades as mashed potatoes, seasoned with garlic and parmesan cheese.

  • 2
  • Easy
  • 5 mins
  • 5 mins
  • 2 mins
  • Average budget


  • Cauliflower and anything you would normally like on a baked potato or mashed potato: bacon bits, broccoli, parmesan or cheddar cheese, garlic, chive...


Step 1

I usually start with some frozen cauliflower, but you could use fresh though the prep time and cooking time may be longer. Then you can heat it up on the stove or in the microwave if it's frozen. Otherwise, you may need to boil or steam it.

Step 2

Mash it up or blend it in a blender until you like the consistency.

Step 3

Add the toppings you love best!

Step 4


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