Marty's Peanut butter candy


My husbands recipe he makes this many times a year and it never lasts long.

  • 12
  • Average
  • 15 mins
  • 6 mins
  • 40 mins
  • Average budget


  • 3 cups of sugar
  • 1 cup of milk
  • 1 tbsp vanilla
  • 3 heaping tbsp of creamy peanut butter


Step 1

Combine sugar and milk on medium heat till it becomes a rolling boil

Step 2

Get 1 cold cup of water and a tea spoon to test the sugar and milk, when it forms a ball or it hardens its ready to add the peanut butter.

Step 3

Add the Peanut butter

Step 4

Take off the heat and stir well till it starts to thicken up

Step 5

Pour into a buttered dish

Step 6

Chill for 30 min then cut the candy and chill for another 10 minutes then enjoy

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