Delicious and Healthy Smoothie


Many different versions of this can be made, but here's one of my favorite versions.

  • 4
  • Easy
  • 20 mins
  • Expensive


  • 1 Banana (or more, if you like the taste of bananas)
  • 2 cup Strawberries
  • 1 1/2 cup Blueberries
  • Any kind of juice (I used cranberry)
  • Honey
  • 1 cup nuts (I used almonds)


Step 1

Roughly cut up all fruit into manageable sizes. Set to the side.

Using a blender, grind up the nuts into a find powder. Add about 1/2 cup of juice and the fruit.

Step 2

If the mixture is too chunky (too dry), add more of the fruit juice until mixture reaches desired consistency.

Add the honey and keep blender pulsing until completely incorporated.

Step 3

Drink and enjoy!

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