Wheat Thins

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  • 1 3/4 c Whole wheat flour
  • 1 1/2 c White flour
  • 1/3 c Oil
  • 3/4 ts Salt
  • 1 c Water


Step 1

In large mixing bowl, combine the flours and thoroughly mix.

In separate bowl blend the oil, salt, and water.

Add liquid mixture to dry, mixing well but as little as possible.

Roll as thin as possible on unoiled cookie sheet - not more than 1/8”
thick. Mark with knife for size crackers desired, but do not cut through. Prick each cracker a few times with a fork.

Sprinkle lightly with salt or onion salt, if desired.

Bake at 350F until crisp and light brown, about 30 minutes.

When cool, separate into individual crackers.