Elliot's famous fried egg


Elliot's best way to surprise mom and dad and sister Lauren. A WONDERFULLY seasoned perfectly fried egg.

  • 1
  • Easy
  • 1 mins
  • 5 mins
  • Budget Friendly


  • 1 egg per person or 2 eggs per person
  • 1 small teaspoon of oil (use leftover bacon grease)


Step 1

Use a tiny spoon of oil in the pan. Use the heat on medium to low. When the pan is hot crack the egg and when it turns white you can flip it over.

A clean kitchen. A clean pan. Make sure the pan isn't scratched because the egg will stick to the pan and you can't flip it. Make sure you have the oil out. Used bacon grease is BEST to cook your egg in. Only use a small amount of oil. BE CAREFUL. The oil can catch fire. If oil catches fire do NOT use water to put the fire out. You can smack the fire with a towel or throw flour on the fire. Make sure you have SMOKE DETECTORS. NEVER Turn your heat up on HIGH. NEVER walk away from your cooking.

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