Choux Pastry


For sweet and savoury buns and éclairs etc.

  • Average
  • Average budget


  • 65 Gram Plain flour (2 1/2 oz)
  • Pinch Salt
  • 150 ml Water (1/4 pint)
  • 50 Gram Butter (2 oz)
  • 2 Eggs, well beaten


Step 1

Sift the flour and salt together twice. Put the water and butter into a saucepan. Heat slowly until the butter melts, then bring to a brisk boil. Remove from the heat and tip in all the flour. Stir briskly until the mixture forms a soft ball and leaves the sides of the pan clean.

Step 2

Remove from the heat and cool slightly. Add the eggs very gradually, beating hard until the mixture is smooth, shiny and firm enough to stand in soft peaks when lifted with a spoon. Use immediately. Otherwise leave in the saucepan and cover with a lid to prevent the pastry drying out.