Lysska Cooking From A SAHM's interview

We interviewed Lysska Cooking From A SAHM!
Visit the blog: Cooking From A Stay At Home Mom.
" I wanted a blog that promoted getting kids in the kitchen and family at the table. I think both of those are very important in a family life."
Hello Lysska Cooking From A SAHM, so tell us...
When did you begin your blog, and what inspired you to start it?
I began my actual blog on December 11,2011, and then started the facebook page on January 28th 2012. At the time I just made it basically so family could see what I was making for dinner....However, things changed and people began following me. I had so many people telling me I should start a blog. The first couple times I kind of set it aside as I wasn't sure how a blog worked. I never even dreamed that I'd have so many followers and so many people who love my recipes. I wanted a blog that promoted getting kids in the kitchen and family at the table. I think both of those are very important in a family life.
Are you involved in the blogging community - how do you attract new readers?
I am very involved in the blogging community as much as I can be. I have a lot of blogging friends, and we always gain encouragement from each other. I also participate in give aways with different blogging groups. I co-host a linky party as well. The blogging community has a lot of caring people, especially the Food blogging section. When I get new readers on my blog I try to welcome them all to my page. I also have days where I have people ask me questions about food, menu planning etc. It welcomes everyone, and lets everyone get a chance to ask things. I help them in any way I can. I love my readers.
Who are your culinary influences?
I have to say that my biggest culinary influence would be my mom. She is the one that taught me how to cook, and showed me that kids belong in the kitchen. She taught me everything I know. I wouldn't be the same without her. She never feared her kitchen getting messy. She always let me and my siblings experiment with food. She is a great cook who taught me how to stretch meals, and that family dinners are important.
Then I do have a second Culinary Influence and that would be Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond. She is a food blogger who now has her own show and cookbook. Her food is down to earth and pretty cheap to make. I have met her once.
If you could be a contestant or guest on any cooking show what show would you choose?
It would have to be Pioneer Woman: Ree Drummond! I love her show and catch it every time I can. I would love to be a guest on her show and eat her food.
What is your earliest food memory?
I have a lot of food memories...My mom always involved us in helping prep for supper times. I remember learning how to make grilled cheese, scrambled eggs and how to peal potatoes. We ate a lot of mashed potatoes. I always remember my moms fried chicken and how she'd pick out all the crispies for us. We would also get the "heart" out of the cabbage. We always flocked to the kitchen for the hearts. I remember making a double batch of brownies only to realize at the time we couldn't put the oven on. So my siblings and I ate all the brownie batter. I remember going to my Grandma Cranes house and having homemade persimmon cookies and pudding. .I have a lot of good food memories... ones I treasure.
Do you have a secret ingredient, a product you use a lot that is unexpected?
I do not think I have a secret ingredient but I made a cake once with Tea Berries....They are a winter green sort of berry. It gives a nice minty flavor.
What are some of the challenges of being a stay at home mom? And the benefits?
First and foremost I wouldn't trade being a stay at home mom for anything in the whole world. There can be some challenges in being a stay at home mom, but the benefits outweigh it. I think one of the biggest challenges happens in the winter time when you are cooped up in a house. However there are things you can do to help calm things down in the house. You really won't get a break when you're a stay at home mom, or well any mom for that matter. The biggest challenge I have is finding "me time". Its very important for a mom to have some time to herself....even if its going to the store. It helps things a lot.
There are so many benefits to being a stay at home mom! You can take time and teach them the important things in life, show them how to cook food. You are there for them when they come home from school and go to school. You can pretty much devote your time to your family. Its very important for kids to have one parent there for them. Now I'm not saying everyone can do that, but if they can its a good thing. I love having my kids around me all the time. Yes they can be frustrating, but that changes when they come up to you and say "I love you". Nothing is sweeter then a hug from your kids, or when your oldest tells you " your the bestest cook in in the whole world". I'm very thankful we have the opportunity for me to be home with the kids.
When you have a last minute get together, what are your go to dishes?
When we have a last minute get together I always bring either Buffalo Chicken Won Ton Cups, Pasta Salad or a Bacon Orange Muffin. Those three are pretty quick to make depending on the situation.
What are your goals for your blog? Where would you like to see it in the next year? Five years?
I have two goals that always stay with me.... I want to keep promoting kids in the kitchen, and family at the table. That is very important. I believe that kids will be more willing to try different foods if they are involved in making them. In the next 5 years I would like to see my blog have more growth, have a bigger menu planning section. I'm also hoping to expand it to where there is a kids menu planning section.
Anything else you would like to share?
A big thank you to Gourmandize for this interview.
Thank you Lysska Cooking From A SAHM for answering our questions and see you soon!
Published by Gitanjali - 02/21/2014
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