Kristascookin's interview

We interviewed kristascookin!
Visit the blog: A Handful of Everything.
Hello kristascookin, so tell us...
When did you begin your blog, and what inspired you to start it?
I started my blog in October of 2012. I mostly longed for a creative outlet where I could explore all the different things that I loved in a hope I would discover what I wanted to be when I grow up. I have been a Stay at Home Mom for the last 9 years and I know that eventually I will need to do something outside the home, but I didn't want to be stuck in a job that I hate, I wanted to find a job that I would love and that I could succeed with.
Are you involved in the blogging community - how do you attract new readers?
This summer I have taken my extra time to spend with my two boys but during the school year I try to Link Up with other fabulous craft and food blogs. I love to browse Pinterest for amazing ideas for recipes and crafts, and I try to comment on blog posts that I find helpful! So many people provide inspiration! And the great thing about blogging is that it is not a competition, we can all help each other out. Facebook, Twitter, and networking groups like Sverve and My Recipe Magic have been great resources to find new readers and make new blogging friends.
Who are your culinary influences?
My first culinary influence is my Grandmother. She was always in the kitchen making something for our family or for someone in the community. She cooked simply and with love. I use a lot of her recipes at my house and she is a huge influence in many aspects of my life.
I have always enjoyed watching the Food Network and recently I've become a huge fan of MasterChef. Taking normal everyday ingredients and making something beautiful and special motivates me to become better. I love Giada De Laurentiis because she adds a touch of elegance and beauty to her dishes. I love Ree Drummond because of her humor and real life that goes into her cooking. I've made many blogging buddies in my short time in this blogging world and The Six Sister's and Amber Brady from Dessert Now, Dinner Later are two examples that not only develop great content but take the time to comment and view my blog too.
If you could be a contestant or guest on any cooking show what show would you choose?
Oh man, what a dream to be a guest on a cooking show! I would love to be a contestant on MasterChef, it would be such an amazing opportunity to learn from 3 phenomenal chefs! I would have to do some serious studying first. I would choose to be a guest on the Pioneer Woman because I think what I make is similar to the things Miss Ree makes for her family. She is also a blogger and I know she would be an amazing resource!
What is your earliest food memory?
My earliest food memory is making rolls with my Grandma. I was too short to reach the counter so I was standing up on the chair. She let me roll out the dough and use a glass to cut out the rounds. She placed the sticky dough on the baking sheet and I impatiently waited while the rolls baked. I sat at the table and watched through the glass of the oven with the light on and watched them rise. When they came out she used a stick of butter and rubbed each one. I had to wait for them to cool off a little but finally she pulled one out of the pan for me and I got to devour the soft perfect goodness of Grandma Betty's Rolls!
Do you have a secret ingredient, a product you use a lot that is unexpected?
I don't really have a secret ingredient. I don't like to use substitutes though, so I will always use shortening or butter instead of margarine. Whole milk or condensed milk instead of skim milk. The one thing I can consistently say is not to rush. Food is a labor of love, if you rush it, it will not come out right. Take your time, give the food the time it needs to be prepared properly and you will be rewarded!
Is there any dish, ingredient or type of food you refuse to cook?
Sushi. I don't know why, I love fish, but I just do not care for raw fish.
When you have a last minute get together, what are your go to dishes?
As far as an appetizer I make my Grandma's Cheeseball. It is simple, quick to throw together and a crowd pleaser! For dessert my go-to would be cookies, whether I make snickerdoodles, oatmeal, or some other recipe, cookies are a favorite at my house. The main dish would honestly just depend on what I had on hand, it could be anything from baked chicken to enchiladas. Something simple, that tastes great and feeds a lot!
What are your goals for your blog? Where would you like to see it in the next year? Five years?
I would love for my blog to become a source of income for me. Since I have started my blog I have really seen how much Food is a central part of my life and really has become a passion. I would love to become a recognized name in the food world and eventually publish a cookbook, or even have my own bakeshop! As my blog grows I hope that I can help others bring good food into their homes and use it as a way to spend more time with their families.
Anything else you would like to share?
I believe in a lifetime of learning and that it is never to late to try new things or follow your dreams.
Thank you kristascookin for answering our questions and see you soon!
Published by Laurence - 08/28/2013
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