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Breton Artichoke


Rate this recipe 3/5 (316 Votes)


Level of difficulty Easy
Cost Budget Friendly


Step 1

- Cook artichokes in a pressure cooker (about 15 min after the biiiiip)

- Eat the leaves with the dressing and keep the heart for the recipe below.

- Peel shrimp and cut into small pieces
- Mix shrimp with olive oil, soy sauce, tarragon and small cherry tomatoes
- Serve on a small green salad (olive oil + balsamic vinegar) the artichoke hearts and shrimp mixture on top
- salt and enjoy with a glass of cider (this recipe is very good with cider)

Step 2


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Chef Tips and Tricks

VIDEO: Easy Carb-Free Pepper Toast


  • Pepper
  • Shrimp (already cooked)
  • Tzatzíki 
  • Coriander


Slice pepper and place slices in the toaster

Mix Tzatzíki and shrimp

Spread the mix onto the toasted pepper

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