What Shouldn't You Cook in an Air Fryer?
Mushy texture, disappointing taste, or just one big mess; there are certain recipes that really should not be tried in the Air Fryer. Read on to hear our thoughts on the matter, and how certain foods really must be cooked a traditional way!

Burger Patties and Steak
If you like your steak to be the same consistency as a shoe sole, you can prepare it in an air fryer. You can also technically cook a burger patty in the air fryer, but you've been warned, there's no way you'll achieve that lovely medium-rare burger temperature we all love.

Fried Foods
The thought of a tasty, fried treat without the greasy stench might be a welcoming thought, but it turns out that it's not actually a good way to handle wet batter.
Your air fryer doesn't require oil, but to achieve the best fried food results, lots of oil is needed! Sorry to disappoint.

Green, Leafy Veggies
Most veggies, especially root veggies, such as potatoes, carrots, and beetroot can be prepared in an air fryer with great results. However, keep your leafy greens well away as they're likely to get charred and become extra dry. If you want to make kale chips (a healthy alternative to the average chip), put them in the oven and you'll be pleased with the results.

Since bacon is generally pretty greasy, you'd think preparing it in an air fryer would make a lot of sense. Well, unfortunately that's not the case.
The fat dripping from the frying basket will likely cause smoke, which in turn, will jeopardize the taste and most importantly, the crispy result!

As mentioned above, wet batter can leave your air fryer in a big mess - and so can cheese. Cheese starts to melt at a pretty low temperature. Instead of crisping in the air fryer, most cheese will met and drip into the bottom of the machine. This can cause burning, smoking, and an all-round, huge hassle so we suggest you avoid!
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