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10 pressure-cooker recipes that will save you mad time in the kitchen


The pressure cooker is a super convenient cooking apparatus composed of a saucepan, a steamer basket/perforated insert and a lid equipped with a pressure regulator. The latter feature allows you to cook food at temperatures above 200° F. How it works is that the pressure regulator traps steam inside the saucepan (letting any excess escape through the steam vent). This forces the water molecules to continuously bump into one another, rapidly raising the air pressure and temperature inside.   

Thanks to this handy cooking helper, you can prepare meals incredibly fast, without losing out on taste or nutrition. We’re always looking for shortcuts in the kitchen, so here are some fantastic ideas that will put your pressure cooker to good use:

Individual custard tarts

No oven? No problem. Pressure cookers can get the job done when you're pining for homemade dessert. Use one to make these scrumptious individual custard tarts. To prepare the recipe, mix whole eggs with sugar and the seeds from half a vanilla bean. Add milk, flour and mix well to get the lumps out. Pour the mixture into buttered ramekins, and place them into the perforated insert in the saucepan with a little water on the bottom. Once the pressure regulator lets out some steam, continue to cook the tarts for a mere 15 minutes, and you're done!

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