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Crazy Thanksgiving Food Facts You Never Knew


Did you know these crazy facts about the beloved American holiday?

© iStock / Getty Images Plus / mphillips007

The number of calories most people consume for Thanksgiving dinner is...

between 2,500 to 3,000. According to the New York Times, it's hard (for the average person) to surpass 2,500 calories in one sitting. But the Calorie Control Council puts it closer to 3,000 calories with this estimation chart. Americans are no strangers to obscenely large portion sizes, be it at restaurants or food servings we prepare ourselves at home. Thanksgiving dinner, and holiday meals in particular, are typically generous, with a buffet of dishes to choose from. And let's be honest, who hasn't gone back for seconds (or thirds) on Thanksgiving? But if you're worried about gaining weight from this belly-stretching feast, don't be. You won't gain a significant amount of weight if you stay active and stick to balanced meals in the days before and after the holiday.

To put the above numbers in perspective, the USDA's recommended daily calorie intake for adult women is between 1,600 to 2,400 calories per day. For adult men, it's between 2,000-3,000.

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