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5 Types of People That Get Under Your Guy's Skin



At the beginning of a relationship, when everything is happening on cloud nine, you experience the magic of letting a new man into the private universe of your family and friends. You tell of your past and what has made you what you are, etc. It's a beautiful phase but starts to get a little complicated over time, when he starts to tell you what he really thinks of your close girlfriends and becomes jealous of your male ones. Here are the 5 relationships that get under your guy's skin.


1. Certain girlfriends 

You might love your girlfriends as though you were sisters from another mother, but your boyfriend doesn't always feel the same. He always finds one who is "too superficial" or "too easy," for example. Don't listen to him! Friends are forever, and guys are sometimes whatever...

2. Your close male friends

When you have close male friends, you probably have to repeat a hundred times over that nothing will happen between you and them (even though it's not always 100% certain). Your guy is always going to be a little jealous or worried that you might fall in love with a good guy friend—especially if he's straight. You can reassure him, but be firm about the fact that love is based on trust. 

3. Your ex(es)

Don't fall for your guy's "trick questions," you know the kind he asks when he wants to know something about your past "just out of curiosity." It's a hoax. He's probably trying to figure out what kind of men you were attracted to in the past and to understand why you chose him. And let's be honest,  you've probably been there, done that, too! You don't have to lie, but sometimes omitting the truth is best for budding relationships.

4. Your family

Hopefully this doesn't happen, but sometimes a new guy in your life might not get along with everyone in the fam. This can certainly cause problems if he tells you he doesn't like your sister, who is basically your BFF. Or maybe he dreads going out to dinner with your parents. Regardless of how he feels, he needs to make an effort. The people who are important to you should be important to him, too, if he plans on taking the relationship further.

5. Your colleagues

If your guy is always asking to come along for social work outings or asking about your male coworkers, he's clearly insecure about your relationship with these men. But you need to be able to go out with your colleagues and have a social life outside of your couple—otherwise, it's a sign of possessiveness. Just don't be snapchatting your office pals all weekend. 

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