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THE MORNING AFTER: 6 things everybody thinks after a one night stand


Ah one-night stands... they can be fun, wild and incredibly hot but no matter what, we bet you've asked yourself each of these questions the next morning! 

 1. Damn, what was his name again?

This is a seriously tricky one, but it happens! He was making eyes at you all night in a loud club, you danced, shouted your  names in each others ears and next thing you know... 

While you may have gotten to know every inch of his body to your satisfaction, important details like his name aren't so easy to recall.  So you stare at his sleeping face while going through every possible guy name you can think of, eventually settling on "babe" and getting out of there, post haste!


 ONE NIGHT STAND: What we are all thinkinig the next morning


2. Will he call me?

We are strong, independent ladies who aren't afraid of a finding sexual satisfaction in a one-night stand... but that doesn't mean we aren't sensitive, especially when we have had a good time with somebody. But wait, did you remember to leave your phone number anywhere? Does he remember your name? Can he find you on Facebook? Damn... 


 THE MORNING AFTER: 6 things everybody thinks after a one night stand


3. How did he do THAT?

After a wild night, you do tend to get graphic flashbacks of your energetic, acrobatic moves... but hold on, how did he manage that position with only two arms? Were you in a harness? Is he a magician?  The important thing is that you enjoyed yourself, so don't worry too much about discovering all his secrets.

 THE MORNING AFTER: 6 things everybody thinks after a one night stand


4. What was with the half-time flop?

It happens to the best of men, especially after a late night of drinking, but nothing kills the mood like him a limp bizkit when you are desperately ripping each other's clothes off. It's difficult not to take it personally, even when you know it is nothing to do with you, but you just have to bite your tongue and insist he finds other ways to please you in the meantime!

 THE MORNING AFTER: 6 things everybody thinks after a one night stand


5. Why is he still here?

You ask yourself, upon awakening to a guy who in the cold hard light of day, is pretty much insufferable. Now is the time to bust out the famous "I have an early meeting" routine, and get him out the door, asap!  

 THE MORNING AFTER: 6 things everybody thinks after a one night stand


6. Do you take cream in your coffee?

Because sometimes, something truly miraculous happens: the guy stays for breakfast and you actually want him to! Perhaps if you offer him a coffee he'll stay for a while... maybe even for the rest of your lives! 

THE MORNING AFTER: 6 things everybody thinks after a one night stand

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