Did HEIDI KLUM take it too far with this year's HALLOWEEN costume?
Now that all the Halloween (magic) dust has settled and the costumes put away for another year we check out what all the stars were up to on the big day.
Heidi Klum never fails to entertain on the 31st... but we can't quite decide how we feel about her costume this year.
After posting multiple teaser videos on her Instagram account, the top model finally revealed her costume: this year, she celebrated Halloween dressed as.... herself!
To be precise, she convinced 5 other young women to undergo extensive makeup and special-effects treatment in order to be turned into Heidi clones!
The six of them posed in identical outfits, hair styles and well... faces.
What do you think? Is it just a fun, tongue-in-cheek costume or narcissism taken to great new heights?
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