Judge Judy Determined This Dog's True Owner. Here's Why It Went Viral:
Have you ever heard the parable of the Wise King Solomon? In the story, two women came before the king because both of them claimed to be a baby's mother.
To settle the dispute, Solomon declared that the baby would be cut in half. The first woman immediately begged that the baby be given to the other woman just to let him live. The second agreed to have him killed, as she would rather see him dead than let the other woman have him. That's how Solomon knew the former was the baby's true mother, and they were reunited at last.
What happened in Judge Judy's court was similar to this dispute, but perhaps in less biblical terms. Watch what happened yourself:
Dog and Owner Reunited At Last
In this episode of Judge Judy, a man and a woman both claimed ownership to this dog (an adorable white mini poodle). The woman claimed the she had legally purchased the dog for $50 in a parking lot, while the man maintained that the dog was his pet whom he had lost.
In order to settle this debate, Judge Judy made a decision that shocked the courtroom: she demanded that the dog be set loose and waited to see who he would run to.
Sure enough, the dog ran straight for the man and happily started jumping at his knees. Meanwhile, the woman insisted that the dog did this with everyone. Judge Judy, on the otherhand, was not easily convinced. Having seen enough, she declared "It's his dog. That's all, take the dog home."
Meanwhile, we can all get emotional at the sight of the true owner finally reunited with his precious Baby Boy.
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