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Cream of Autumn Soup


Rate this recipe 3.2/5 (260 Votes)


  • 12 oz peeled chestnuts
  • 12 oz pumpkin
  • 12 oz carrots
  • 1 shallot
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tablespoon cream
  • 1 teaspoon curry
  • chicken bouillon cube
  • salt
  • pepper


Servings 6
Level of difficulty Easy
Preparation time 15mins
Cooking time 25mins
Cost Budget Friendly


Step 1

Chop the shallot and onion. Fry in a little olive oil. Peel carrots and cut into small chunks. Cut the pumpkin into small pieces.

Step 2

Put all the vegetables and stew with shallots and onion cooked in salted water, adding a chicken stock cube. Season. Cook gently.

Step 3

Once cooked, puree your soup with a blender. Add the cream and curry, blend again for a velvety finish.

Step 4

Serve with croutons and chestnuts.

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