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Yes, it's possible for men to get pregnant, and here's the proof


Fernando Machado and Diane Rodriguez made history as the first transgender couple in South America to have offspring. He was born as a woman and she was born a man, and they thought they would never get to have children. Diane explains:

"Being a mother was never something I thought about because I'm transsexual. The law before demanded that to be recognized as a woman you had to be castrated."


Hombre embarazado da a luz a un bebé de una mujer que nació hombre


The couple relayed the whole process of pregnancy and childbirth through social networks, where they received massive support from their followers.


Hombre embarazado da a luz a un bebé de una mujer que nació hombre


"This was the wish of both of us and there was nothing biological or legal to stop us, so we decided to do it"


Hombre embarazado da a luz a un bebé de una mujer que nació hombre

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