10 signs that you live ALONE
Living alone is either totally awesome situation where you get plenty of alone time and never have to worry about messy and inconsiderate roommates... or awful, lonely and too sad for words.
Whether you love it or hate it, there 10 things that we all do when we live alone:
1. You talk to your cat... as if they were your room-mate
"No, really, Cornelius! Would it kill you to tidy up after yourself, just once?!"
2. You also talk to your plants... as if they were your children
"There you go my pretty... oooh somebody was thirsty! Let's have a big long drink then!"
I love you Mama!
3. You walk around naked, all the time.
At first it was just scuttling between the bathroom and your bedroom to grab a pair of panties... now you cook, clean and dine in your birthday suit.
"So what? It's only my cat that sees me naked!". Ok, If you're sure...
4. You wee with the door open
Well.. you don't want to miss out on what happens in Stranger Things! Just make sure you don't get into the habit and do it at work by accident...
5. You eat right out of the pan
Why make extra dishes?
6. You have a floordrobe, and flibrary (floor library) and a flesk (floor desk) and even a sleeping-in-front-of-the-TV floor bed!
Tidy up takes soooo long! And with nobody else to touch your stuff, you know exactly where it all is! Except the cat... he has been missing for a few days...
7. You are emotionally attached to your leg and armpit hairs
You've been together for so long now, it feels cold blooded and ruthless to cut them out of your lives! After all, they've never wanted anything but to keep you warm and cosy!
8. You get ready for bed like you're going into battle
Spot cream on the zit? Check. Oil mask on the hair? Check. Cucumber slices on the eyes? Feet moisturized and in cotton socks? Check and check! You'll definitely look gorgeous tomorrow, but it's a good thing nobody is seeing you right now.
9. You are actually a farmer
You have a beautiful family of dust bunnies living under your couch, and you love watching them grow.
And finally...
10. You still drink as much wine as a house full of adults
And nobody can judge you!
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