Civilize Your Scoundrel With These US Navy-Approved Dating Tips
They say that chivalry is dead — and the overwhelming majority of women would have to agree. While we don't expect our dates to hold the door open for us or always pick up the tab, there are some basic manners that all men should have.
The US Navy seemed to think so anyway. In 1967, they produced a hilarious training film titled "How to Succeed With Brunettes." The film was part of many tutorials intended to make their officers first-class gentlemen. While a lot of the advice seems outdated, and even sexist, to our modern ears, there are some useful tips that all of us can learn from.

Be Punctual
Don't intentionally arrive 20 minutes late and think that it counts as "playing hard to get." It only shows that you don't seem to respect the other person's time. After all, the Navy advises you to arrive on time for any social engagement because it shows that you are "dependable, business-like person." Because if your date is a catch, don't expect them to wait around for anybody!
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Chef Tips and Tricks
- Ground meat
- Coriander, chopped
- Onions, minced
- Egg
- Salt
- Ground Pepper
- Cheddar (cube and slice)
- Canola Oil
Chop coriander and mince onions
Mix the meat, coriander, onions, pepper and salt in a large bowl
With your hands, shape the meat into a large ball
On a clean surface, flatten the ball and place a cube of cheddar on top
Cover the cheese with the edges of the meat, creating a ball again
Place in a pan and let one side simmer in canola oil
Flip the patty and place a slice of cheddar on top
Place the lid on the pan and let cook to desired texture
Put the patty in a bun with your favorite toppings. Enjoy!
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