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30 Bad Eating Habits To Kick By The Time You're 30


They say that bad habits are harder to break the older you are. So if you're under 30, here are the eating habits you should drop right now.

Kick your bad eating habits to the curb!

By the time you're 30, you're (probably) no longer a college kid. Which means it's time to give up the late-night binges, drinking 5 cans of Coke or Red Bull per day and stop hitting up the drive-thru after your hard workout. You might have been able to get away with these habits when you were in your early 20's, but your age—and body—will catch up to you in the next decade. The sooner you start practicing healthier eating habits, the easier it will be to stay in good shape as you age. Here are 30 bad eating habits you need to give up before you're 30.

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