What's inside a Kit Kat? Do you know?
We've loved this chocolate since we were kids, but there was a secret that we did not know ... until now.
"Have a break, have Kit Kat." Kit Kat, and it's familiar slogan seems to alwayas have been around, and indeed is one of the most well-known confections in the world. But a recent BBC program Inside the Factory recently revealed just how much we didn't know about the treat, namely.... what is it actually made of?
the truth!
As it turns out a Kit Kat is made of... *drum roll* other Kit Kats!
Let me explain: each Kit Kat is filled with Kit Kat wafers damaged during the manufacturing process. In other words, the stuffing and wrapping of a Kit Kat are exactly the same, and the defective wrappings that end up being crushed and used to fill the others.
the truth!
This way, Kit Kat produces practially zero waste! Clever right?
What do you think? Will you still eat Kit Kat?
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