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Get Cheesy
We all love a bit of gooey goodness, so make sure to top your bake with a load of cheese. Small pieced of ricotta or mozarella provide a spash of brilliant white which looks super inviting among the melted tomato sauce, and topping the bake with some grated Parmesan adds the ultimate final touch.
But remember, some cheddar types of cheddar can become oily, and certains types of mozarella can be too mild if you prefer a fuller flavor. We like to have the perfect ratio of cheffar for flavor, mozerella for color and gooeyness, and parmesan for bite! You bake should melt beautifully and be golden perfection with the right amount of crunch.
If you want even more crunch, we suggesting sprinkling a layer of breadcrumbs on top of the cheese before putting in the oven.