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How to make a rainbow potato in a few easy steps


Ingredients for 4 people:

Réalisez une rainbow potato en quelques étapes

4 large potatoes

1 small red onion

1/2 cup cheddar cheese

1/2 cup fresh, soft goat cheese

A handful of baby spinach

 10 cherry tomatoes



La préparation

Preheat your oven to 400° F.

Scrub the potatoes well using a brush.

Place them on a cutting board then make 5 incisions, at 1 inch intervals, without cutting all the way through the potato. 

Place the potatoes on a cooking sheet, season generously with salt then bake in the oven for 40 minutes, or until the potato is soft and fluffy.

 Check that the potato is fully cooked by inserting the tip of a knife. If it goes in easily, then the potato is done. 


La garniture

In the meantime, wash all the vegetables. 

Slice the cherry tomatoes.

 Cut the cheese into thin slices, along with the red onion. 




Remove the potatoes from the oven, and then in each incision insert one of the toppings, alternating colors as you go. 


Put back in the oven for another 8 minutes, just long enough so that the cheese melts. 

Chef Tips and Tricks

VIDEO: Crispy Zucchini Potato Cakes

Combine summer zucchini with leftover mashed potatoes for a delicious, savory treat!


  • 5 Potatoes
  • 1.5 Cup shredded zucchini
  • 3/4 Cup shredded cheese
  • 3/ Cup milk
  • 1/3 Cup coriander, chopped
  • 1/3 Cup basil, chopped
  • Parmesan, to sprinkle
  • Salt and pepper, to season


  1. Chop the potatoes in half, boil until very tender and drain.
  2. In a bowl, combine the potatoes and zucchini. Add the grated cheese, milk, coriander, basil, salt and pepper, and mix thoroughly. 
  3. On a baking tray, spoon out the zucchini-potato mixture and form into balls. 
  4. Sprinkle with Parmesan and grated cheese, and bake at 350°F for 15 minutes.
  5. When golden, remove from oven... and enjoy!

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