Urbandomesticdiva's profile page

Chicago, Illinois, United States
Flora Caputo
I'm first generation Italian, and was raised with a love for the kitchen and the garden, thanks to my grand parents and parents. I now grow that love in my urban garden and kitchen where I live now in the "Second City". Here is where I tend to my garden, my little family (including 8 fish and a cat), a girl scout troop, a creative department in a boutique ad agency and myself. The latter I do with the help of wine, chocolate, good gin, bubble baths and reruns of Downton Abbey.
Blog :
the urban domestic divaIt's a how a modern girl can do it all, balancing tradition (cooking, recipes, gardening) in a modern way. All while holding down a career, keeping her family humming, the cat fed and making sure everyone has clean socks. Get food tips and recipes, parenting musings, crafting how-tos, gardening ideas and much more.