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Recipes with swiss cheese - 3 recipes

Chef Tips and Tricks

You're watching: Chocolaty Pear Loaf
Chocolaty Pear Loaf


  • 150g / 3/4 cup sugar
  • 150g / 2/3 cup softened butter
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 tsp fresh yeast
  • 180g / 1 1/2 cups flour
  • 190g / 1 1/2 cups chocolate, melted
  • 4 pears


  1. Combine sugar,  butter and eggs in bowl. Mix well.
  2. Add fresh yeast and flour and mix through. 
  3.  Pour in melted chocolate and fold into mixture.
  4. Peel 4 pears (or as many comfortably fit in your baking pan)
  5. Pour chocolate mixture into lined or greased baking loaf pan.
  6. Evenly space the pears in the pan, sitting upright.
  7. Bake at 350°F / 180°C for 35 minutes.
  8.  Drizzle with more melted chocolate, and serve.
  9. Enjoy! 


Psssst... check out all our chocolate covered recipes, here!

Top rated Swiss cheese recipes


Place chicken in greased dish

  • Chicken breasts
  • Swiss cheese
  • Cr of mushroom
  • melted butter
  • stuffing
4.2/5 (6 Votes)


Try our twist on this classic French recipe with these gooey gougères in the form of mini breadsticks. They're perfect for dunking into dips!


Preheat oven to 350 degrees

  • 4 oz. (2)- chicken breast (boneless, skinless) (8oz)
  • 2oz. - thinly sliced ham
  • 1 oz. - Swiss cheese
  • 1/2 tsp. - Finely chopped thyme leaves
  • sprinkle sea salt.
  • sprinkle black pepper
  • sprinkle garlic powder
4/5 (5 Votes)


Brown bread cubes in oil and butter in frying pan

  • 4 slices seeded rye cubed
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tablespoon oil
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 small can of sauerkraut
  • 1/4 bound cubed swiss cheese (1 cup cubes)
  • 1/2 to 3/4 pound sliced corned beef
2.7/5 (6 Votes)

Any burning questions? Our chefs answer!

Graw S's Ruben Pie Swiss Chicken Casserole